Friday, September 13, 2013

It's a nice calm day.  I'm glad the temperatures have cooled off and we can just sit back and relax in peace. 

My leg is much better and I am again jumping on the sofa.  The bed is still a problem so I usually cry and mom or dad lift me on the bed. But the sofa is no problem, I often jump up and lay here in peace. 

No cats, just the way I like it. I like them in another room, I'd say outside but they only let Sam outside.  That Holli has never been outside, she's the one we all have to keep our eye on. You never know where that naughty cat will show up and what she'll do.  I guess she is upstairs right now, haven't seen or heard from her lately, .. wait what's the noise?  I've gotta go!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dear God,
Why did you create cats?  Really, you should have thought twice about it before you created them. They are so dumb!  The only good I can find in them is that dogs chase them, but my mom won't let me chase our cats.  So, back to my original question, why did you create cats if guys like me can't chase them? 

Let me tell you what happened today at our house with our dumb cats!  Okay, mom was cleaning up and sorting things in the spare bedroom, her sort of craft room.  Of course that dumb cat they call Holli had to come in the room. Of course she got yelled at a zillion times. I hear mom say, "Holli, how the heck did you get up there, get down right now!".  I don't know where she was, but I could tell she shouldn't have been there.  She was all over and mom kept yelling at her until she finally gave up and left the room.   I should note that was like three hours ago and I haven't seem Holli, I wonder if she ran back in and mom didn't notice and now she's stuck in there. Oh well, I'm not telling mom, but she'll probably notice the cat is missing.

During that time when Mom was sitting on the floor sorting stuff this afternoon, yelling at Holli, she heard something at the attic door.  The door was shut but it sounded like something scratching from the other side of the door.  Mom got up, opened the door and the other dumb cat, Frankie came walking out of the attic.  Mom has no clue when she got up there. Mom was up in the attic today, but mom always closes the door behind her so none of the dumb cats follow her.  Good heavens, they could be lost up there for weeks. 

Hmmmmmm, I wonder if mom would realize I did it if they are stuck up there for weeks???  

I have to think about this carefully, I need to lure them to the attic and then can't let any evidence that it was me who did that.  I'm a little worried how I can do this?. Katie is taking a forensic science class and mom was just reading her text book this afternoon.  Can I do the perfect crime or not?  I have to really think about this! 

Catch you later!!