Friday, February 14, 2014

This is not funny Mommy!  Get us off this pile of snow!   It's high Mommy, and we don't think it's funny you set us halfway up the pile of snow.  It's at least 6 feet tall. It's all the snow that was on the driveway and the guy with the plow put it all on one pile down here.  It's not funny Mommy, get us down from here!   We're gonna jump Mommy!  Get us down!   You'd never put the precious little cats up here would you Mommy?? 

Thank you mommy!  Now can you let us in the house please? I'm cold!!   

Thank you Mommy for not making us go up those steps to go in the house!  We appreciated it very much!   We're thinking spring!  How about you?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mom is on her way to western PA to hunt down the groundhog!  I hope she is back in time to watch the puppy bowl with me.   Mom had GMA on and they mentioned something about a kitty bowl at noon on the Hallmark channel!  what the heck??   The puppy bowl will be much better, but I bet Holli will want to watch the kitty bowl.   Maybe she'll be on that.  She could be, she's bad to the bone, so she'd fit in!

Oh well, have a great day!   Heard more snow for tomorrow.  This is not fun!  Mom can we moved to Florida please!   (At least for the winter) 

Enjoy your day!


Saturday, February 1, 2014


My mom posted this on her facebook account this morning.  Sounds to me like she doesn't like that Phil guy.  What do you think?  

Dear Punxsutawney Phil, Take this as a threat.. You see your shadow, you'll be soup by the afternoon. Think I'm kidding? here is the recipe. ... I have everything but the groundhog! Mark my word!


1 dead goundhog (cleaned with glands removed)
2 large yellow onions, sliced
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1 cup water
1 cup vinegar
Flour, salt, pepper, cloves


1. Slice groundhog into large chunks.
2. Soak overnight in a solution of 1 cup water with 1 cup vinegar plus with one sliced onion and a sprinkle of salt.
3. Drain, rinse chunks, and wipe dry.
4. Parboil 20 minutes, drain, and cover with fresh boiling water.
5. Add one sliced onion, celery, carrots, a few cloves, and salt and pepper to taste.
6. Cook until tender; thicken gravy with flour.

Six more weeks of winter? Not for you Dear Phil!