Sunday, March 30, 2014

Remember that big pile of snow that mom and dad had put Penny and me on a few weeks ago!  I thought that snow would be around for a long time!  Here is the pile on Friday.  After the rains this weekend the pile is completely gone!    I am surprised that it all disappeared so fast.  I still think Mom should have put the cat on the pile like she did to me and Penny!  But no, they only put us dogs up there. 

Have a great week folks!


Friday, March 28, 2014

Get a load of this??  Mom and Dad bought the cats this Jungle Gym thing.  Actually they really bought it for Holli.  She thinks she is like an Olympic cat or something!  She jumps on it, climbs all over it!  Then she sleep in the little round part with the sun shinning in on her!  Really, mom and dad, all that Jungle Gym thing for one crazy cat!  Sometimes I really wonder about my mom and dad!  

Thinking about it, maybe one day I may try it myself.  I love to lay on the window seat in the sun so if the darn cat moves, I may try this out!   The sun does shine in that big window really nicely.  I've already laid on the floor when the sun was shining in that window. I may try this jungle gym thing too!

Watch out Holli, if I get my chance, I'm moving in!

Your Friend,


Saturday, March 15, 2014

 sleeping....  just love relaxing....

wait.. something doesn't seem right here..  it doesn't feel like Penny leaning on me.  Hello??? OMG.. I hope there isn't a cat near by!