Sunday, September 28, 2014

My goodness I had a really exciting Thursday!  My mom went to visit her mom who lives at this large place, it sort of looks like a hotel or something. It's called Frederick Living Community.  I have noticed all the folks living there seems to have white hair and alot of them have problems walking. They used all kinds of devices that helped them walk.  Some just sit in chairs with wheels and get pushed around.  I like going there, I gets alot of attention.  I hear, "Oh look at the cute dog".  That's me, Leonard, they are talking about.  Anyway, my mom's mom, who the nurses call Helena, really likes me.  This Helena lady is in bed when we stop down and you know that's right up my alley.  So I just lay on the bed and she pets me and it feels so good, I'm asleep in no time at all.  Helena really likes me, I noticed she has my picture on her dresser. I guess she can think of me all the time then!
Mom talks to her mom awhile and then mom wakes me up and we head home. 

However, this time mom said, "Leonard you are going to church tonight.  Dad and I have to met a couple to pick their wedding music and I don't have time to take you home.".  So Mom carried me up to the choir loft in what she called church.  Mom explained that this is where they go when they say they are going to church.  Mom said they do the music there.  I sat on mom's lap while the people decided what songs they like.  I would jump like crazy when dad would play that big wooden thing with the white and black things on it. Dad would press a few of the white things and the whole church seems to shake (especially me)   That thing is really loud!  I thought our birds were loud at home but that beats the birds. I wonder if you would put a cover on that wooden thing if it would shut up?  I mean, it helps the birds shut up, maybe I should suggest that to mom and dad? 

You know, I think I'd rather stay home and sleep at home instead of church, that wooden thing makes way too much noise to sleep!  Oh well, that was my fun adventure this week.  Stay tuned, you never know what's gonna happen around here!

Your friend,

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I talked to Frankie today about the sleeping in bed at night. As you can see, she is upset with me and won't even look at me!   I don't understand why she is so upset but I am guessing she won't be in bed tonight. So that worked out very well.  Now, I need to talk to Sam, but Sam is much more stubborn then Frankie.  I don't know if I'll get her to give in and stay off the bed.   I guess time will tell! 

Meanwhile have a nice weekend!  


Friday, September 19, 2014

I mean really!  I am so mad! After a tiring day of playing ball and sleeping on the sofa, it's time to hit the sack for the evening, a guy can't even get cats out of his life!  I really think I am gonna make a proposal to the family that I will refuse to sleep with cats on the bed.  You know what I mean?  It's bad enough that Penny and I have to share our bed with two humans every night.  But cats,  I can't take this any more.  Look at Sam she lays there upside down waiting to be petted.

How can a guy get any rest like this.  Oh well, I guess I should try, I'll need my energy to play ball and sleep on the sofa tomorrow.

I'll figure what can be done with this problem in the morning, I'm too tired to deal with it tonight!

 Good night folks!

Sweet Dreams, (I hope I don't have nightmares about Cats taking over the world!) 


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Wow was it cold and damp today!   I figured I'd just hang out on the sofa most the day with the blanket to keep me warm.  I usually keep my whole body buried under the blanket, but I thought I heard something so I looked out to see what it was. Nothing much, so I went back under the covers and back to sleep.   I'm not looking forward to the winter but I am very glad I have a great home and my family makes sure I'm on the house and nice and warm everyday!  

Keep warm guys and if it's cold at your house, call my mom or dad, they probably have an extra blanket they can give you! 


Monday, September 1, 2014

With the humans around all the time this summer, I never got to jump on the computer and post anything!  Oh my goodness!   So, I have to get myself on a schedule to get caught up on my postings.  First let me share with your my bedtime prayer.  I couldn't find a picture of me at bedtime but found this one of Penny and I snoozing on the sofa.    Enjoy, and make sure your dogs and even cats can say this bedtime prayer!

Now I lay me down to sleep,
The king-sized bed is soft and deep.
I sleep right in the center groover,
My human beings can hardly move.
I've trapped their legs, they're tucked in tight.
And here is where I pass the night.

No one disturbs me or dares intrude,
Til morning comes and "I want food!"
I sneak up slowly to begin,
And nibble on my human's chin.
For morning's here, it's time to play,
I always seem to get my way.

So Thank you Lord, for giving me,
This human person that I see.
The one who hugs me and holds me tight,
And shares their bed with me at night.

Until next time,

PS. I didn't write this prayer, I found it on the internet and borrowed it!!!