Friday, January 30, 2015

It's been awhile, sorry. It was a little crazy after grammy died.  We had my mom and dad's 25th wedding anniversary, and Thanksgiving and then Christmas.  Yes, Santa Paws did come to our house!  

Now we are in the new year and it's cold and has snow outside.  The cat as you see in the picture can't go outside,  so she hangs around in Penny and my area.  I wasn't gonna put up with it, so I just moved to my own chair.  Penny's not too smart, so she just puts up with it, but not me.  I moved to my own chair, and I love it. Penny doesn't even bother me!. I can be alone and get some much needed sleep. 

Mom says they are talking about another snowstorm.   I'm not a big fan of them.  The good thing is that mom and dad will probably stay home with us.  The bad thing is that we still have to go outside to the bathroom.  Why don't people build houses with a room where they grow grass and we wouldn't have to go outside when it cold and rainy or snowy?  Heck, the humans could put a lawn chair there and enjoy it even during the winter and share it with us dogs!  (and even the cats, especially to get Sam out of our space)  I need to talk to someone about this idea sometime, when is that Home Show in Philadelphia, maybe someone down there would listen to me.  I must say, mom and dad are very considerate.  Once the snow is done, dad shovels to the grass so we have a place to go and it's not in a foot of snow.  Before dad has things shoveled and if it's the middle of the night when one of us decided we have to go outside, mom usually takes us out through the basement. That door opens up under our deck and it doesn't snow much under the deck. If the winds are strong, there is come snow under there, but usually it's a pretty easy place to walk. 

Oh well, I think mom is coming back and I need to get off the computer.  Hope you all find places to go during the upcoming snow storm.