Monday, March 30, 2015

Good Evening my friends,

I hate to brag, but you can tell who is the top dog around this house can't you? How do you like my new bed??? It's king size. .Just the perfect size for me, the king of this house!   I don't usually brag, but when you get a great gift like a king sized bed, you have a right to brag!   Isn't it like the coolest dog bed you have ever seen?  I am the totally owner of this bed too!   I'm not sharing this bed with any of those stupid cats!  I can just see Franki  trying to sit on my bed.  It's not gonna happen ! This is my bed and I deserve it!  I am the king of this house!  

What's that mom?? I can't hear you?  oh... oh.. I see, yes I understand mom, I was just kidding, I knew the bed wasn't for me, it's way too big anyway!  It's the perfect size for Jaybo. 


I'm so disappointed!  It really was the perfect sized bed for me.   Oh well.. At least it belongs to Jaybo and not the cats! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I feel like I'm being watched...    weird feeling... I wonder why I feel that way???? 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Oh.. here are a few more..

find the Holli!  

Who knows where you'll find the cat tomorrow..  Holli is really good at hiding isn't she???


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ever heard of the game, "Where's Waldo"?  I'd like to play that with you, but instead we'll use a cat.  Let's take Holli to play the part of Waldo.  Okay, here is a picture of said cat named "Holli".

 Please study her carefully, you will need to find this same cat in the following pictures!  You have one minute to complete the game and find her in each picture!   GO!!!

That wasn't too hard.

Which Cat is the real Holli??

If her eyes would have been shut she would have blended in with the carpet! 

You know how to catch a cat right?? Put a box anywhere.. mom should have camouflaged the box! 

Did you find her here??? This is Katie's "I just got home form college for spring break pile"  and Holli need to check out what she brought along. 

These are mom's piles to drop off at donation points but she just hasn't gotten around to doing that yet. 

Well congratulations, most of you completed the test in less then one minute. If you were successful you are as smart as the dog I thought you where. If it took you longer, well, we'll just say your brain is more like a cat's brain.  We know they are a little slower then a dog's brain..  Sorry.

Have a great day!  
Your friend,

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I noticed Frankie staring at something outside.  I sort of looked over her shoulder.  HOLY COW!  Look at that big bird. No wonder mom has been commenting that her bird feeder is always empty! I counted 13 of these big birds.  Mom said they are turkeys, I don't know what they are, but they are the biggest birds I have ever seen at the bird feeder!  I see the pretty red ones sometimes and then alot of other birds, but I have never seen these big ones at the feeder. They scared the squirrels away, all three of them!  I was wondering why are they called bird feeders when the birds and squirrels both eat from them?   Should they be called "Bird-Squirrel" Feeders? 


 Here is a pictures of more of those big birds!