Sunday, December 17, 2017

I am very sorry that it's been over half a year since I posted something.  My mom was so busy with work and everything else in life that I never had a change to borrow the computer. I will try and do better in 2018

Mom took this picture tonight, let me ask you this.  Which one is not like the other??

Saturday, June 17, 2017

 So Eve and Penny Seem to be mad at each other.

But I don't care, I'm tired!  
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
                                                                       I am!   


Friday, May 12, 2017

So today when Katie and mom were at Walmart they decided it was time to get Eve her own bed.  All the dog beds we have around the house were bought for other dogs.  So today the bed purchased was made for Eve.  But I had to test it too, to make sure it was safe for all dogs!

Okay, it's Leonard approved!  


Monday, May 1, 2017

Some days are rougher then others.  

Everyone seemed to be napping on Sunday.  

Mom seemed to have caught all us dogs just napping or chilling.  Isn't Eve silly?

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Eve thought the weather was beautiful today so Eve, Mom and Katie went outside for a little while this afternoon.

That Eve is a funny dog, she went a little nuts after being outside a little while!  LOL

Crazy silly dog! 

Oh mom took a picture of Katie the other day, I think she looks beautiful don't you?

I think Katie is pretty cool and really beautiful.

 Well, have a great weeks folks!



Saturday, April 8, 2017

Today mom started with mixing a bunch of stuff and made some balls or something.

Than mom melted chocolate. It smelled good but we all know you never give a dog chocolate, so we got none of this stuff.  

Next mom dipped the balls in the melted chocolate.  She said they are peanut butter treats.  They look good, but no one gave any to the dogs. They say they are bad for us.  I wonder if they are trying to keep them all for themselves or if that's really true. I have to google is sometime! 

However, they did give us some peanut butter.   I love to lick the jar. I work on it for a long time!  It's so good! I love peanut butter.   My tongue isn't the longest,  but Eve is a bigger dog and has a longer tongue. So after I get what I can out of the jar, I give it to Eve and she finishes things off.   I call this a good day around here!   Treats for us all.  Mom did give Penny some peanut butter on her finger. Penny is too scared to lick the jar. That's okay with me, more for me! 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Mom and dad were off on an adventure again. I can't believe them!  On Saturday, March 26, 2017 they had an invitation to climb the bell tower of Good Shepherd Church in Boyertown. 

 First they saw the mechanics that used to make the bell ring.  That was an easy climb, it was just a matter of steps.
To get to see the actual bell, they climbed a ladder  (like the one shown here)  They climbed to the bell part of the tower and kept going.. They climbed the ladder to the clock part of tower!

Then they climbed another ladder and ended up on the roof of the bell tower!  You can see them smiling at the top of the tower.  Sometimes I think they are crazy.
Mom and dad said the sights from the top were awesome.  I found a few to share with you!

The views look neat, but I'm not sure if I could have climbed the ladder.  Could you have done it??

Have a great week!

your friend,


Friday, March 10, 2017

This week dad had something he calls spring break. I'm not sure what that means since it's looks like winter outside as I type this.  But anyway, each year he declares it's spring break and take a full week off of school.  He usually wants to go somewhere for the week and mom says she doesn't.  Mom said that this year she would take two days off from work and they could do two day trips.  One day I heard mom and dad talking about covered bridges.  I wasn't sure what they were, so after mom had uploaded her pictures to the computer, I checked them out. They are kind of cool looking.  I heard mom say that the one was the longest covered bridge she had ever seen.  She mentioned they followed a map and her and dad visited 8 covered bridges in the Lancaster area.  She had tons of pictures so I took these to show you the kinds of pictures she took.  Mom said that when she can get back on Facebook (after Lent, she gave it up for Lent you know) she will post a ton of pictures from their two day trips.   I think these things look pretty cool.  I read a little about them, wondering why cover a bridge?  I found two answers the one said that the fact that they were covered helped the bridge to last longer, since the bridges were only made of wood, the weather would be a major factor in the lifespan of a bridge.  The other reason I read, was since they had to take cattle across the bridge, the fact that it was all covered in, kind of like a barn, made the cattle feel more comfortable, without the covered sided and stop, the cattle heard the rushing water and freaked out.  Personally, I go with the first one, because of the weather.  I'm really thinking if a bunch of cattle are crossing the bridge there would be so much noise they wouldn't hear the water rushing under them. 

The second day mom and dad went to see the statue of Liberty.  I thought that was in New York, but they went to visit on in Dauphin County.  Mom mentioned every time her and dad go to State College PA (where Cody is living right now at college) they travel along Rt 322 west of Harrisburg and see the State of Liberty in the middle of the Susquehanna River.  That's weird isn't it?? I thought the state of Liberty was in New York Harbor.  I did some investigating and found that there is a miniature State of Liberty in the middle of the Susquehanna River in Dauphin County. I found a great story about it.  It seems that back in the early morning hours of July 4, 1986 some mystery group set up Miss Liberty on and old pier of a railroad bridge that had been gone for years.  The statue was made of venetian blinds and plywood. (Sounds like a cheap way to make her)  This statue stood until 1992 until the wind knocked it into the river.  No one knew who had made or put the statue in the river.  By this time the people of the area were attached to the statue and raised money so a more sturdy statue could be placed in that spot.  In 1997 a much sturdier statue of Lady Liberty was place on that same pier but this time by helicopter and it was fastened securely.    After over 20 some years, the actually person who built the first statute came forward and his buddies who helped him place her on the pier  back in 1986. The river is very swift and it must have been an interesting sight these college age guys doing it in the middle of the night!   The mystery guys had the enjoyed the mystery that the town had carried for so many years.

Mom and dad also visited a huge antique market called Sled Works in Duncannon. Mom said there was so much stuff and the building was so huge it was too much for her to take in. It must have been, mom came home with no treasures from it.

The last adventure they took on that day was checking out a really long, big railroad bridge.  The bridge was built in 1900 and amazingly is the world's longest stone masonry arch  railroad viaduct.  It's over 3800' long (7/8th of a mile) and over 52' wide and supports 4 railroad tracks.  The 48 arched bridge crosses the Susquehanna River and can bee seen from Rt 322 west of Harrisburg.

Mom had borrowed Katie's zoom lens for the camera and got some great close up pictures of the bridge and the bridge with a train on it. You can even see the graffiti on the train cars!

Now were all are, enjoying the last day of Spring Break.  I think our deck has at least 1 or 2 inches of spring on it already!   They say Tuesday we may get a Nor'easter.  Wow, does mean more spring break? 

Your Friend,


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Hi folks

What do you think of my new hair style? 

Well, it's not a wig, it's my new sister Eve.

Eve moved her head and her long floppy ear fell on my head.  I thought it looked cute and I asked mom to take a picture for me! 

Actually, all three of us were hanging out on the sofa. 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Good Morning my friends.
My mom asked if I could post this story that she recently wrote.  it's kind of an odd story, but it's totally true. Any one of us here at the house can verify it!   By the way, the cats are still hiding on the other side of the house.  Mom says they will come out and she hopes it happens soon, but I hope not! 

Anyway, here's mom's story called the Green Light Story!

By Luann Zambanini

This is the strange story of the green light.  It started back in November of 2016.  With the Christmas season coming on soon, I thought it would be neat to have one of those Star Showers.  You put them outside and when it gets dark they shine a green and red light on your house.  How perfect for the Christmas Season!  I set it up in the yard after Thanksgiving and when it got dark the red light was the only thing that showed up.  I played around with the switch, but no matter what I did, I only get the red light to work.  So I thought I’d work on it later. 

Time flew by.  I never worked on the light and it always show red dots on the house.  I should have taken it back to Walmart, but by this time it was almost Christmas.  I’d had it a few weeks and so I guess I just started ignoring it.  It only shone red light on the house. Every night, it was red lights only – never did the green show up. 

Then something very sad happened after the New Year.  We learned that Jaybo (our faithful dog of 11 years) had liver cancer.  After a few weeks we had to put her to sleep.  We weren’t looking for another dog since we already have two more dogs and four cats at our house.  We did miss our old gal, but weren’t looking for another one. 

A few days into our sadness, our daughter, who had spoken with a friend, proposed the idea of adopting a dog that this friend knew needed a good home.   My husband was at a Boy Scout event for the night and wouldn’t be home until the morning. Our daughter and I talked about it awhile.  What should we do?  My daughter looked out the window and noticed something really unique:  green and red lights were shinning on the house!  WOW!  This was the first time since we had lite this Star Shower that the green lights had come on!  They looked really neat!  How strange we had the lights on for well over a month and had never once seen the green! 

The following day when my husband came home, our daughter and I ran the idea of a new dog by him.   My husband wondered “What would our dear old dog think?”   It had only been a few days since her passing.  I said thought the dog would say, “You gave me a great home for many years, please give another dog a loving home”. 

That night when the star shower come on, it was green and red again.  When my husband asked if I fixed this star shower, I told him I hadn’t touched it.  Maybe it was a sign from Jaybo, our dear departed dog saying, “Yes”?  Could it be?  

We decided that Jaybo would be okay and happy if we gave another dog a loving home, so we said we’d apply to the rescue place to adopt this dog named, Eve. 

The following night when it got dark, only the red lights were shining on the house.  How strange, I thought:  we are back to only red when for two nights the green and red shown against the house.

We applied for the dog and during the process we got to visit Eve, the dog we were trying to adopt.  We visited one evening and when we got home from the visit, the green and red lights were shining on the house.  We were really starting to think this was a sign from Jaybo, a positive sign to take Eve.

In the days that followed, all the decisions were made and it seemed like there was no need for Jaybo to communicate with us and the green lights did not come on again.  Just the red.  This is the strangest thing I’ve ever heard happen.  But I do believe it was Jaybo saying yes, open your hearts, open your house, open your lives and love another dog as you loved me. 

Since it is February, I am letting the lights on at least until Valentine’s Day - at this point the green lights have no need to come on and they haven’t.

So the mystery of the green lights is still open.   Just no explanation unless you believe, as I do, that it was a great sign from Jaybo.

what can I add but it is really weird, isn't it?? 
Your Friend 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Good Morning folks,
We got about 3" of snow last night, I don't really enjoy that cold white stuff.  Mom and dad are nice and take us out to do our bathroom duties through the basement and we go out the back door and then end up under the deck.  There isn't much snow there so it's much easier on our feet.  However, this new dog is bigger, like Jaybo was, and bigger dogs don't seem to mind going out in the snow as much.  So Katie and mom took Eve in the pool area.  They left her run and she had a ball.  Here a picture Katie snapped of her in action!  What an action shot, her ears are standing up, she looks like a bunny!  LOL!   She is a cool dog.  The cats don't like her yet and seem to keep to the other side of the house.  Mom has stuff there so Eve can't get through to them, so they feel safe! 

Anyway, after our adventure outside this morning, we all decided it's time for a good nap.  I had the cover on my head but mom insisted that I get my head out from under the cover, so I looked out for just a minute.   So here we are!  Keep warm, it's supposed to get cold tonight.  We plan on it! 


Sunday, February 5, 2017

So Eve moved in to our house on February 2nd.  She is pretty cool, we all hang out on the sofa together.  Mom has commented that she thinks we need a bigger sofa so mom can sit here too.  That's fine with me as long as we make it cat proof.  Speaking of cats, this Eve dog is amazing.  I have not seen any of those stupid cats since she moved in.  She is my kind of dog!  wow!   Mom is concerned about the cats, but everyone says it'll take awhile for the cats to show their faces again.  Suits me fine, don't know what the heck mom is worrying about.  I hear the family say the cats are hiding out in what we call the music room.  Fine with me, I don't often venture into that room anyway unless I sit on the window seat there, but the sun hasn't been out, so I haven't been over there in awhile. 

This Eve dog seems to really like Katie.  This dog is very tall towards me and can actually hug and kiss Katie.  I found this picture in mom's computer of Katie and Eve.  I think they both look cute, don't they?

Thursday, February 2, 2017

So today, is Groundhog's Day and I hear the groundhog saw his shadow and the baby ran back into his den for another 6 weeks while the rest of us have to endure more weeks of winter.  Thanks Phil, you big baby! 

The surprise mom had for us today was a new dog!  THANK GOODNESS it wasn't a new cat.  Here is the picture that mom took of the new dog and of course, my great friend, Katie! 

This is EVE!  Welcome Eve.  She came from a rescue.  Mom and dad weren't  looking for a dog.   As a matter of fact, after we put Jaybo to sleep, mom said "Okay God, we have two dogs and we really don't need another.  We aren't gonna look for another dog, if you want us to take another dog, you will have to push something our way".  A few days later a friend of Katie's told her about a dog that was at a rescue and this lady knew the dog was a real sweetheart.  So, Katie presented the information to mom and dad.  As they say on tv.  The rest is History!  So we welcome Eve. Personally, I think she is amazing.  Penny isn't thrilled with her. The greatest thing is the cats really hate her!   Isn't that cool?  Eve keep sniffing them out and scares the heck out of them.  How cool is that?? She is my true hero!  

your friend, 


PS, oh yes, after our big meeting today, we all took a long nap together.  This Eve is the coolest! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hi Folks,

Mom says Penny and I have to be on our best behavior tomorrow afternoon (Feburary 2, 2017).
We are getting company.  I'm sort of worried what is gonna happen tomorrow. I hope that stupid groundhog isn't gonna be coming to visit us.  I don't like groundhogs.   I don't like these outdoor animals.  Do you know when mom came home this afternoon and left us go outside (to well you know why they let us outside), it smelled so bad out there.  Mom said there must have been a skunk around the area. Well let me tell you, that Mr Skunk better get himself to a groomer or something, he really needs a bath, my goodness. I bet Jaybo could smell him up in heaven!   That Mr Skunk Animal has a major stink problem.

Oh goodness, I hope that Mr Skunk guy isn't gonna move into our house, since he lives in the neighborhood!  This could be bad.  Maybe I'll let that groundhog move in instead of the smelly Mr Skunk.  

Wow, I'm worried now, what's up with tomorrow?     Stay tuned, we'll all find out what's the big surprise for tomorrow!  

Until then, sleep well my friends!  


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Dear Friends
Our family is having a very difficult week.   This morning when we got up we found our beautiful dove, Cinnamon dead in the bottom of her cage. Cinnamon had a beautiful song to share as she "cooed" for all of us.  We know she was aging, she no longer cooed for us and she didn't sit on her perch, instead she sat on the floor of her cage.

Cinnamon was adopted from a bird rescue on September 18, 2005.  We have no idea how old she was at that time, but if you are a math major you'll be able to figure she lived with us over 11 years.  Which seems like a long life for a bird.

Mom always decorated the top of her cage with Christmas lights or red for valentine, green for March and so on depending on the season.  It was so precious the first time mom did this and then lite the lights.  Cinnamon looked up and around and almost fell off her perch looking at the lights.  Mom cracked up and will always have that sweet memory of Cinnamon and her Christmas Lights.  We do think Cinnamon  enjoyed the lights cause when mom would change them she'd look up to check them out.

We will miss her beautiful song, at least we do have a recording of it.  Sorry I can't upload a recording to this page.  Cinnamon, you were a sweet bird, even if Holli and Addi scared you a few time pawing at  you through the openings in the cage.  Mom was freaked out the time she forgot to close your cage's door  and looked around to see Addi in the cage. Luckily mom jumped in to rescue you from the crazy little cat.

Cinnamon, you and Jaybo can run around Heaven and play together now, just remember to meet all of us as we cross that Rainbow Bridge!

RIP Cinnamon


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Our Dear Dog Jaybo    

Katie and Jaybo December 2005
Jaybo Born September 2005

                    died January 17, 2017

Jaybo was born in Ohio.  She joined the Zambanini Family November 4, 2005.   After the Zambanini Family lost their dogs earlier that year, Jaybo’s dad, Rob wasn’t ready to get another dog.  However, hurricane Katrina happened and there were so many dogs who needed homes that Rob agreed that Katie and Luann could look for a Katrina dog needing a home.  After searching Luann happened to come across a litter of puppies being fostered in the Allentown area through Peaceable Kingdom.  It was love at first site for Luann and Katie and with Rob’s blessing they adopted this puppy they would name Jaybo.  You may wonder where Jaybo got her name.  During Rob’s days at college working on his PhD, he had an awesome college professor “John B. Ochs” who really helped him during really rough time.  Finally after Rob graduated in 2000 with his PhD, I told Dr Ochs that I was too old have another child, but we would name our next dog after him.  Once we got this puppy in November of 2005, we figured we’d name her Ochs (pronounced “Oaks”).  But it just didn’t sound right.  I was thinking a lot about it and remembered that a lot of folks called Dr Ochs by his initial “JBO”, so I started saying JBO, JBO, “Jaybo” came to mind and our puppy became known as “Jaybo”. 

Jaybo was your normal naughty puppy.  She stole pens and chewed them.  She was so excited when we were outside and didn’t take her along, she tore through every patio door screen we had. (We have 3 patio doors) also she tore through the basement screen door.  Jaybo ripped curtain (to look out the window).  All those puppy things.
Rob didn’t get close to Jaybo, he really didn’t want a dog, he just agreed we could get one.  Well, in July of 2007, Rob tore his Achilles tendon and Jaybo became his best friend.  Rob, who slept on the pull out sofa downstairs, for months, had a buddy with him. The buddy named Jaybo.  Jaybo was with Rob all the time and they bonded. 
Jaybo and her girl Katie
After Rob was back in the swing of walking, he would walk Jaybo a mile each night. They would go rain or shine or even snowstorm.  For years they walked.  The past few months at times Jaybo would walk part way and then stop like she was saying “That’s enough dad, I’m tired”.  Rob would turn around and come home.  Even the week before she died she walked the normal mile walk with him.  But that would be the last time she’d go that far.  The last few days she would just look at him, her heart and head wanted to go, but the body was refusing.  Jaybo had liver cancer.  We don’t know how long she had it, she just seemed sad a few months and then for a few weeks she didn’t finish her food.  Finally after test, it was discovered and very soon after that her quality of life wasn’t there.  We would not let her suffer and on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 we sent her across the rainbow bridge.  As Rob, Katie and I laid on the floor in the vet’s office we all told her how much we loved her and petted her as she fell to that eternal sleep.  She will be missed very much by so many.  

 Even the folks in the vets office loved Jaybo and all hugged her “goodbye”.    
Tulip Time, Spring 2008
And so we go on to Jaybo’s obituary……..
Jaybo was born sometime in September 2005 in Ohio.  She came to live with the Zambanini Family November 4, 2005. 
Jaybo is survived by her beloved human family, Luann, Rob, Katie and Cody.  Her beloved animal family of her dog sister, Penny, her dog brother Leonard.   Her cat sisters, Frankie, and Holli.   Along with her feathers sisters Sandy and Cinnamon, and her feathered brother Atilla.  Jaybo also leaves her cat nephew, Perkins and her cat niece Addie. 

Jaybo by the pool that she enjoyed!

Jay, Leonard & Penny

 She was proceeded in death by her cat sisters Antoinette "Tony" and Samantha “Sam.”

Jaybo will be greatly missed by her human family, the animal family and many family members and friends. 

We love you Jaybo, our sweet old gal!

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole” … Roger Caras