Saturday, April 28, 2018

Mom and dad finally replaced the sofa and I approve of it!  Very comfortable!  Here's a picture of the entire sofa.  Pretty cool.  We all have room to sit with mom on the sofa. 

There is even leftover room for dad and Katie too!  (only Frankie has taken up residence on it with Eve of course) 

But as I type this, the other cat, Addy took up residence too.  Golly!   What is this sofa coming to?
Good Night folks! 
Your friend,

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Our living room looked like this a few weeks ago.  Then mom and dad went nuts and moved everything out.  They left these two guys in the livingroom and they stole our living room rug! That rug meant alot to me. Alot to all of us. Do you know when our friend Jaybo was sick, she used it as her bathroom (by accident of course)  Then mom would shampoo it.  It would smell good then.  Frankie puked on it alot of times.  Frankie seems to have a weird stomach and many times she will puke after she eats too much or too fast. (Excuse me, but I'm not really an expert on the cat's stomach and it's issues)  I just know what I see and smell.  But my point is, all those smells from all those great animals that are a part of our family had left their smells in that awesome green rug! Those men, they took the rug and mom and dad left them take it!  We should call the police, they stole our valuable rug!  Then, those same men did alot of hammering for two days!  When mom left us in the room to check it out, all that was left on the floor is this stuff that looks like wood, but doesn't smell like wood.  Mom moved our beds and said, "Okay guys the living room is ready."  "Ready?  Ready for what?" Oh well, we all jumped in a bed and surveyed the area.  Mom says we are getting a new sofa.  I'll let you know when it gets delivered, but until then, we have to enjoy our room.