Sunday, July 29, 2018

Are you kidding me?  "NO NO NO!!  I was here first Ms. Francesca!  I do not want to, and will not agree to share a bed with you!  I could get cat germs!  This is not acceptable! I will not share a bed with you no matter how much you pay me!  NO NO NO!  Francesca get out of my space  before I call the SPCA or somebody to get you out of my space!!   I'm gonna count to ten and by ten you better to gone!   One...... Two........ Three.......   
"Mom, I have a really bad situation here, if you can't help I'll have to go farther!!!"  
Four....  Frankie, get out!!!!        Five......





TEN.........                         MOM!!!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I am so excited!  I was allowed to take off the stupid cone!  The doctor said my eye is healed!  I'm thrilled to throw out the cone.  

I just got an idea.  Maybe I could try it on one of the cats?  That would be so funny!  I have to figure out which one I should put it on!!!  Hummmmm.....stay tuned!  

Saturday, July 21, 2018

I give up. the vet visit was unsuccessful!  The vet said my eye looked much better (which is good). But mom should keep putting the drops in and I should keep wearing the collar until my next check up mid week next week!  So Katie is gonna take me again on Wednesday.  I sure as heck hope the collar can be removed then!  I'm so tired of this and it's just humiliating! 

I hope you all stay dry this weekend.  At least when I go out to go potty, if I keep my head down my face won't get wet in the rain.  This collar is good for something!

Friday, July 20, 2018

This is really not a dignified way to eat. I'm really getting tired of this collar!  I have had it on since I left the vet on Monday night.  It is crazy and stupid.  Who designed it anyway?  I'm gonna find that person and bite their butt!!  I can't scratch my ear, I have to lift my head high when I run up the steps (or it throws me back down, which isn't cool at all). Life wearing this cone is not the way it should be!  

I have found that when mom gives me a bone and I bite it in half, I never seems to lose the other half, it is stuck in my collar.  The problem then is to get it out of my collar, mom has to rescue me and find it and feed it to me again.  It's really humiliating to say the least.  I'm so glad she didn't take me for a walk to further humiliate me.  I've stayed very close to home this past week.

I was told that today I'm going to the vet again.  I don't like the vet at all.   However, I will make an exception to not argue about the appointment today.  The vet is gonna check my eye (which will be nasty again, some stupid drop in my eye and then a bright light on it)  I am mentally prepared for what is going to happen this time, but I'm sure I'll squirm for the vet when he looks at it. You know how your eye is when the eye doctor comes at you with this thing to drop in your eye.  Anyway, if I'm good and pass the test, they will take off this horrible cone of shame and I can live again!  Katie said she'd take me to the appointment cause mom is going away.  I will try to be better in the vet's waiting room, but when I see all the other dogs, I want to talk to them.  But mom never sees it that way and tells me to be quite, she goes as far as to take me outside and we wait there until it's my turn.  This is my opportunity, my chance for a soapbox for my fellow dogs and she takes me out of the situation.  How can I explain to her I need to spread some dog words?

oh well, I'll have to ponder that thought until my next vet visit.  But for now, I'm anxious to go and see if they'll take off this STUPID CONE! Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Okay, I have had better days!  I'm just hanging around on the sofa with Clara.  I have to wear this stupid collar.  (I heard mom call is the collar of shame). I'm so embarrassed!  I really don't know what happened. I was fine and then somehow something scratched my eye ball.  After that the light was horrible and I couldn't keep my eye open.  Katie noticed it and told mom.  Mom had already had a vet appointment for Clara and Penny to get their "normal shots" as mom calls them.  To me there is nothing normal about shots. They hurt. I don't like going to the vet.  The vet squeezes me and looking in my mouth, grabs my legs. It should be again the law what they do to you at the vet.  Have you ever had your temperature taken.  Really, there most be a much better way than sticking something up my butt.  I have to remember to work on inventing that in my spare time.
Anyway, mom decided to take me instead of Penny and I saw the doctor.  He didn't take my temperature (Thank goodness!!!) but he put a drop of something in my eyes and put a bright light in my eye. That was nasty. He said I have a tiny puncture in my eyeball.  He explained it like the eye is jello and it has saran wrap on top. He said it's like a tiny hole in the saran wrap.    He asked what happened and mom and Katie had no idea. Mom thought maybe I walked into a bush outside and it scratched my eye.  I'm not telling what happened, if she knew, she may not let me outside ever again. 

The doctor put this stupid cone on my head. I didn't take it sitting down. I growled, squirmed and did all I could to avoid it, but it was two adults against me, and I lost.  So I have this cone on until Friday (when the wonderful vet wants to see me again)  Mom has to put drops in my eyes 4  times a day.  She did pretty good when dad held me, but when she tried this morning, her and I almost threw paws.  But I just decided to let her put the drops in cause she is my mommy you know (and I want to say her favorite) 
By the way, Penny got to go to the vet tonight for her "normal shots".  I laughed, she was so excited to go bye bye, but wasn't as thrilled when she came home after being squeezed and got a few shots!  I wonder if she'll be excited to go bye bye again.  Well it is Penny, she'll be excited. I know her!

I'm not proud of the above pictures, please don't spread them around to my fan club! 

your friend,