Tuesday, August 11, 2020

 It's been a long summer so far. Mom and dad are still home alot of the time, it's kind of strange having them home so much.  

They did sent us to prison when they helped Katie and her finance Erik to Virginia.  Erik is going to medical school down there.  We had to spend five day behind bars, at the vet prison, but we are out now. I am still not sure why we had to go to prison, but mom said we had to go while they were away for a few days.  We weren't bad, well Eve was, but the rest of us were good and shouldn't be punished for Eve's bad behavior!

Today we got a package in the mail. It is Katie's book.  We were all busy reading our copies tonight.  I am disappointed it's about cats, her cats, Daisy and Perkins.  Don't tell anyone, I really loved it. Maybe her next book will be about dogs, like me and Penny, Eve and Clara. We'll see.  I grabbed some pictures of everyone reading! 

I think the cat is just looking at the pictures, I don't think cats can read as well as us dogs can! 

I heard mom telling folks if you want one you can order one from her (she got some extras, besides our copies for other folks to purchase) or you can buy them on Amazon.com.  Just put in Bedtime Tails.. or Katarina Illona  (Katie is using that as her writing name.) 


your friend,
