Thursday, November 4, 2021

 Cool Fall Greetings My Friends!

Goodness mom has been so busy with things at the Historical Society and with Katie.  At the society she is helping with the big craft show they have called the Belsnickel and she is helping with the Holiday Tour they have.  Add on to that Katie and Erik are finally gonna have their wedding reception in January.  Mom said something about Santa Paws coming in there too!  So she's been coming and going and I haven't gotten time to get computer time!  She's out for awhile now, so I thought I'd jump on the computer. 

Tootsie is doing fine and fitting in with the pack as you can see.  She's pretty cool.  She doesn't like cats, so that's really cool in my book!  But she hasn't heard to leave them alone when mom is home.  Mom yells at her.  I keep telling her when mom is away we can chase them and mom'll never know. I have to keep reminding her. 

We had a weird incident happen last night.  Clara, you gotta know Clara.  Clara is not quite, she actually barks too much, she is a very hipper dog.  She barks at everything!   She has a favorite spot on the sofa.  When Eve decided to sit there, she barks at Eve, telling her to move, but Eve doesn't listen to anyone.  Eve is her one entity.  I am not sure what to think of Eve, she loves the cat, Valentina.  What is up with that?? Did you see the picture mom posted on facebook with Eve and Valentina?? Something is really weird with those two!  it's just not a normal thing! 








Anyway, back to Clara.  Clara was unhappy last night.  Eve was on what she thought was her spot on the sofa.  Mom told her to lay down somewhere else.  Finally she went to her second favorite spot to lay. On the dog be on the floor.  But she was very upset it was being used by Addi.  Addi was in a cat bed, but the cat bed was sitting on top of the dog bed. (which is something Eve usually does, but that's a story for another time)   

So as you can see, Clara is pretty upset about the whole situation. How can she relax with a cat so close? Addi could have cared less that Clara wanted the dog bed all to herself.  Finally after sitting there awhile. I thought, if that was me Clara I'd just growl at the cat and scare her into moving.  But Clara, although she barks alot (and I mean alot) is the biggest chicken around.  Penny can growl at her and terrify Clara.  Which Penny does (but again that a story for another time)   

Soon I looked around and found this. Oh Clara, you let the cat boss you around. Shame on you!  Mom seems to think it was adorable, but I was sad that Clara didn't take charge of the situation.  I have to talk to that girl!  I guess she thought if you can't beat them, join them!

        Enjoy Fall my friends!  Sorry if there are typos, I seem to be all paws today! 

