Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 28, 2012
So mom tells me that this is where my kid sister Katie is living right now.  She said they call it a college dorm room.  I miss her, she gave me treats. Dad says he sees her at school, since Dad teaches at the same college that Katie attends.  I don't know if they'll ever take me to visit her at college or not but mom did tell me that she will be coming home alot over the weekends. That's good, then I'll get to see her and beg her for treats while she is here.  Meanwhile, Frankie (that darn cat) thinks she can take over Katie's room. I keep finding Frankie sleeping on Katie's bed.  Darn, I should have thought of taking over that bed, I can't now, it's all full of CAT hair.  (Gross) 

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing Katie when she comes home for the weekend.  She is gonna come home with dad when he comes home from school on Friday.  She says she'll probably go up with him on a Monday morning and come home with him on a Friday night.  She doesn't really need a car up at school and this saves gas,and if I know dad, he'll really love the idea of driving his daughter to school.  

That's all for now!  Have a great rest of your week.  
  your friend, 

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