This morning was what might be considered the perfect storm at our house.
Mom was ready to leave for work and that naughty cat, Addi (she is really a naughty cat, the whole family says so) was playing with something on the floor. I hear mom say "What are you playing with Addi?" Then I hear mom scream.. Addi had been on the top of the fish tank as she often is and somehow had knocked a gold fish out and was playing with it on the floor. Mom seeing it, immediately grabbed the fish and put him in the fish tank. Mom thought the fish looked shredded, but found it was the fact that the fish was covered in dog hair that it had looked shredded. The poor fish was at least in the fish tank again and could get water. The poor thing. The tank (which Cody had cleaned just yesterday) was floating full of dog hair. (Sorry Cody) At this present moment, the fish, named George, is clinging to life, but seems to be breathing very slowly. This is about 8 hours after the incident. That cat is really a bad cat and I'm telling Santa about it! I'm afraid we won't have George much longer! I will keep you posted.
Your Friend and Good Dog