Saturday, February 22, 2020

Peanut butter is just the best!  Mom has a jar just for us dogs.  I love it!  Mom hides pills in it for Eve (She has to take one a day for her itching).  So mom hides her pill in a half of spoon of peanut butter.  We all look at mom and lick our lips and she gives in and gives each of us some!  

I was really excited when the jar was empty and mom gave it to me to get out whatever I could. Of course I couldn't get it all cleaned out.

My sister Eve has a longer tongue than I do, so after I got out what I could, she handed the jar to Eve to finish it off!  She got the bottom of the jar clean.  I was okay with sharing since I couldn't get anymore out of the jar. 

What a great it was.  Peanut butter heaven day! 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Mom was NOT happy!!!!  But let me explain!  I didn't do it, I repeat, I DIDN'T DO IT!  Eve did!  Bad girl Eve.   But I sort of got blamed for it. This is how the story goes!

Mom had gone to work and Dad was getting ready to leave.  He put Penny and Clara in their crates, I was really tired and I was all snuggled on the blanket in Eve's crate.  Eve was ready to come in the crate and she looked back at dad like, "Leonard is here and in my way".  So, dad caved and decided, Eve's a good girl, I'll just lock Leonard in the crate, and let Eve out for the day.  He left for school. 

Fast forward to when mom came home from work.  She opened the door and was greeted by Eve and this mess!  Bad Eve!  Eve had enjoyed a roll of paper towels all around the living room.  She also seemed to enjoy the empty green pooper bags. They were in a crocheted bag when the day started.

The crocheted bag is no longer, the living room is now cleaned up!  Mom was upset and dad learned a lesson. Never trust Eve. 

Mom ignored Eve all evening, I felt bad for her.  But then when it was time to go to bed, mom talked to Eve and Eve looked the other way.  Touche!

You never know what's gonna happen around here! 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Thursday, February 6, 2020

This is Leonard's mom.  
I have to tell you two recent Leonard stories that happened this week.

I came home from work the other day and I went to open the dog's crates.  (When we go to work, we crate each dog in their own crate.) I opened Eve's crate and Eve and Leonard walked out. Hmmm, that was different - wonder how that happened?  When Rob came home later the night I asked about it and he told me the following story.  

As Rob was getting ready for school, the dogs know what is coming and they go to their crates.  So Rob went around and closed the doors of the crates; he closed Eve's and Clara's and Penny's but there was no  Leonard in his crate.  Where was the little guy?   He was thinking "I didn't let him outside!"  He finally saw him in the crate with Eve.  So for the day he slept with Eve.  

That has never happened before, and to me was very unsual.

Then this morning I had another incident with Leonard.
When I get up I take the dogs out in groups of two.  This morning I took Leonard and Eve out. I take them on a retractable leash.  Leonard will run when he's off the leash, but he always comes back. He sometimes chases deer into the woods and come back all wet and dirty at times.  So I don't often let him out off the leash, so I don't have to worry about him.  This morning I took Eve and Leonard out; it was still dark (it was before 6:00 a.m.).  I guess there were a few deer out there and as usual Leonard barked.  I guess I was half asleep and Leonard tugged the leash a little more then I was ready for and he took off towards the woods barking. Oh no!!   I kept thinking his leash will get caught and heaven knows where he'll be stuck in the woods. So Eve and I are running down the back yard (in the dark, cause I never put those spotlights on, I never take them in the backyard in the morning!).  So Eve and I are running and it's dark and wet, I'm screaming for Leonard, and he's barking at something in or near the woods.  I hit a thin tree limb (thank goodness that it didn't hit me in the eye!), then I twisted my foot and stepped in water and mud. 

What a fun morning!  All I could think of was Leonard's being stuck in the woods.  Well, thank goodness, Leonard came back to me and didn't get caught anywhere. I don't know if he ever went in the woods, I don't care, I just thank GOD that it all worked out well. I didn't break a bone in my foot - it was just a little tender for a few hours.  Things could have turned out much worse. 

Our little guys sure can keep my nerves on edge! 

Thank you for listening to my story!  Have a great weekend! 

Leonard's mom.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

I am really mad now!  Again THIS CAT thinks I'm okay with her laying beside me!  "I AM NOT CAT". 
Find another dog to sleep with CAT, we are done!