Saturday, February 22, 2020

Peanut butter is just the best!  Mom has a jar just for us dogs.  I love it!  Mom hides pills in it for Eve (She has to take one a day for her itching).  So mom hides her pill in a half of spoon of peanut butter.  We all look at mom and lick our lips and she gives in and gives each of us some!  

I was really excited when the jar was empty and mom gave it to me to get out whatever I could. Of course I couldn't get it all cleaned out.

My sister Eve has a longer tongue than I do, so after I got out what I could, she handed the jar to Eve to finish it off!  She got the bottom of the jar clean.  I was okay with sharing since I couldn't get anymore out of the jar. 

What a great it was.  Peanut butter heaven day! 

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