Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Ding Dongs

These are Ding and Dong....... well, sometimes the people at the house call them that, other times they call them Sandy and Atilla.  Mom often walks around the house with Atilla on her shoulder, but Sandy hangs out in there cage.  They are so LOUD!  Sometimes they are quiet, other times they don't shut up.  I like at night when they sleep and are quiet. I think the whole family likes that too!  They are pretty.  The cats watch them a lot.  When they are outside the cage, walking around outside the cage, the cats really keep there eyes on them. I guess the cats are very protective of them, or do they think they are lunch?  I'm not sure.  I know I wouldn't want to eat them, they have too many feathers.  The feathers make your nose tickle. 

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