Sunday, February 26, 2012

The view from the stairs

So the weather the past few days hasn't been real great.  It was chilly yesterday and that wind, I thought it would take me away with it.  I like this home, I don't want to leave here.  It could turn out like Dorothy in that Wizard of Oz, she got swept away and met that nasty witch and all she wanted was to go home.  I'm staying home so I don't have to find my way back here!

With the weather being nasty, we sometimes all hang out on the steps. You probably think that's a dumb place to hang out, but it isn't.  It's the perfect place to hang out.  You can see everything.  If we look towards the way Jaybo is facing we can see out the window in the dining room.  From that window you see part of the driveway and you can even see part of Sycamore Road.  We bark at trucks going by and especially when we see people or people and dogs walking on the street.  We need to do our job and alert our family of imminent danger that could come our way.

If you look the opposite direction you can see part of the kitchen, but you can definitely smell what is brewing, or a better word would be cooking in the kitchen.  If you look forward you can see into the living room, right to the sofa where Mom and Katie often sit.  (Dad's chair is out of view, but if he comes to the kitchen for food, you can just follow him back to his chair in the living room and you can beg for food there.  By the way, this begging will always work.  In another post I can explaining the best begging techniques we use).  Back to our spot on the stairs,  if someone goes upstairs you know it, of if they come downstairs you know it.  So, just as Sheldon has his perfect seat on Big Bang, so to do we have a perfect seat on the steps!

Have a great day, may your views to terrific!

1 comment:

  1. Molly, Dusty and Copper would definitely agree with you about hanging out on the stairs! Another great place to hang out is the window sills. Ours are wide enough to lay on and we can see all the action outside. If the windows are open(with the screens down) we can bark and people look around trying to figure out where we are! This is great fun (especially from upstairs)until Mom chases us away from the window.
