Tuesday, December 24, 2013

I am really worried about Christmas this year!  You see, that CAT my family adopted just before Christmas last year, the one they named, Holli.  She is so bad!  Mom and Dad put up the Christmas tree and this cat climbed all over it.  Mom hung a string of bells by the trunk to hopefully deter her from climbing but it didn't help.  At least now Mom can hear when she is climbing up the tree.  Mom had planned to decorate the tree with her collection of Hallmark ornaments, until Holli climbed the tree, after that Mom put on the unbreakable balls. Holli has knocked alot of them off and she bats at them when she sees them hang on the tree.  Oh, did you know Holli knocked down a shepherd from the nativity set?   Broke the poor guys legs, mom glued him back together. He can't walk at all anymore, but he has no problems standing all the time.  Because of this, mom packed that nativity set back in the attic and took out the plastic set so the cat wouldn't insure another nativity person.   She was afraid she might find Baby Jesus somewhere on the floor!  You never know with this cat! 

Penny and I are glad the snow has melted. The morning and other visits outside to do our "jobs" out there was so challenging. You'd fall through the snow or slide on the ice.  Not a fun experience especially when it's early in the morning and you really aren't 100% awake yet.   Night isn't fun either cause being tired and trying to make your way on that stuff just wasn't cool!  So, for now the ground is just cold, so we do our "jobs" and get the heck back in the warm house under the covers!  

I hope Santa Paws still stops at our house despite the fact that the one cat is SO BAD!   I'm sure she'll get coal while we get treats, but hey, that's the way it goes.  If you are bad, you don't get fun things!  

Merry Christmas to everyone and have an awesome New Year!  I hope it's a new year without snow!   


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

May the great pumpkin give you lots of treats this year and may you not have to dress up in some stupid bee outfit!  
It really "stings".

Happy Halloween!  


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mom went to this basket party thing on Friday night.  She came home with this stuff that she won. Some pumpkin place mates and this dog bed full of great stuff!  How awesome is that??  Let's see, it had the bed itself, then dog food, dog bones, dog treats, chewy dog bones, some cool toys.  I really like the orange pumpkin.  Mom gave us a few of the treats and the toys.  She put the dog bed in the living room. It's really neat, I have used it several times!  
It's nice and cozy, I think Holli would like to try it, do you see her sneaking around the back to check it out??  That Holli, is such a naught cat, thinking she could use this new dog bed.  Wait, what the heck is Frankie doing??  That darn cat, if she thinks I give my permission for her to use this bed, she is wrong!  Frankie I demand you to get out of my new dog bed!   Frankie!!! 

Oh man, these cats work on my nerves!  

Friday, October 11, 2013

Rain, Rain, go away,
come back another day, 
my friends and I want to
sleep on the windowseat today, 
we want to warm our fir and sleep along the way!

Oh well, that's not gonna happen today.  Mom is just hoping it stops raining sometime.  She feels bad when she takes us outside to do our duty.  

Sam, the dumb cat, keeps meowing and looking at mom.  She wants to go outside.  How dumb can you get?  It's so nice and dry and comfortable in the house, who would want to hang out outside?  I mean, I did the streets, baby, and it ain't no fun!   Why do you think I'm always excited in the morning?  I've slept so well under the covers, protected and warm and off the streets.  If that dumb cat want to go out mom, let her out.  She'll learn her lesson!  

Well, hopefully this coastal storm will move out and the sun will be back soon!  

Mom said she got her Christmas cards, I looked over her shoulder and I did see that I am in a picture.  I'm not thrilled with the fact that she put my picture on the same card with the cats, but what can I do about it?

I'll catch you folks later!    

Friday, September 13, 2013

It's a nice calm day.  I'm glad the temperatures have cooled off and we can just sit back and relax in peace. 

My leg is much better and I am again jumping on the sofa.  The bed is still a problem so I usually cry and mom or dad lift me on the bed. But the sofa is no problem, I often jump up and lay here in peace. 

No cats, just the way I like it. I like them in another room, I'd say outside but they only let Sam outside.  That Holli has never been outside, she's the one we all have to keep our eye on. You never know where that naughty cat will show up and what she'll do.  I guess she is upstairs right now, haven't seen or heard from her lately, .. wait what's the noise?  I've gotta go!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dear God,
Why did you create cats?  Really, you should have thought twice about it before you created them. They are so dumb!  The only good I can find in them is that dogs chase them, but my mom won't let me chase our cats.  So, back to my original question, why did you create cats if guys like me can't chase them? 

Let me tell you what happened today at our house with our dumb cats!  Okay, mom was cleaning up and sorting things in the spare bedroom, her sort of craft room.  Of course that dumb cat they call Holli had to come in the room. Of course she got yelled at a zillion times. I hear mom say, "Holli, how the heck did you get up there, get down right now!".  I don't know where she was, but I could tell she shouldn't have been there.  She was all over and mom kept yelling at her until she finally gave up and left the room.   I should note that was like three hours ago and I haven't seem Holli, I wonder if she ran back in and mom didn't notice and now she's stuck in there. Oh well, I'm not telling mom, but she'll probably notice the cat is missing.

During that time when Mom was sitting on the floor sorting stuff this afternoon, yelling at Holli, she heard something at the attic door.  The door was shut but it sounded like something scratching from the other side of the door.  Mom got up, opened the door and the other dumb cat, Frankie came walking out of the attic.  Mom has no clue when she got up there. Mom was up in the attic today, but mom always closes the door behind her so none of the dumb cats follow her.  Good heavens, they could be lost up there for weeks. 

Hmmmmmm, I wonder if mom would realize I did it if they are stuck up there for weeks???  

I have to think about this carefully, I need to lure them to the attic and then can't let any evidence that it was me who did that.  I'm a little worried how I can do this?. Katie is taking a forensic science class and mom was just reading her text book this afternoon.  Can I do the perfect crime or not?  I have to really think about this! 

Catch you later!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

You know animals/things seems to show up at our house.  Maybe the toad showed up because of this thing.  Mom named her Charlotte.  Isn't her web cool??   She spun the web by the porch and the way the light was hitting it, the web looked pretty cool.  I have to thank Katie for taking the beautiful picture.  That is Charlotte in the middle.  Mom and Dad were watching Charlotte spin the web, which they seemed to think was totally amazing.  I was on the sofa watching tv, I didn't bother to get up to watch!  Oh well. 
Have a great weekend.
your friend,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Greetings Friends,
So many of you voiced concerns about my leg/hip. I am feeling better, mom is giving me my medicine and it seems to be helping. I'm still not jumping on the bed or sofa but I can run up and down the steps with no pain.  I appreciate everyone's concern.

I'd like to introduce to you a new friend that seems to be living at our house.  Here is "Edward" the toad.
Funny thing about Eddie here, he's been outside near or in our flower bed almost every night when mom take us out to do our "nightly duty".   Twice we saw him on the porch.  Katie thought mom put him there but he must hop up himself.  I'm not sure why. 

For some reason mom said he must be living on the porch. There is a wooden box that mom's uncle Joe made years ago for Sam.  It is in case Sam gets caught outside in bad weather.   Sam could hide in this box and be protected from any kind of weather.  Mom said maybe Eddie lives there and she looked in the box and there he was!  So, I guess Eddie is living in Sam's box on our porch. Sam doesn't really use it, when the weather is bad, she sleeps on mom and dad's bed.  (Spoiled cat).  But little Eddie,  he must stay in the box during the day and at night, he ventures out to do whatever toads do.  Imagine that, a new animal at our house.  Who would ever imagine that could happen! 

Mom says he can stay there as long as he wants and we're all gonna have to look when we go out on the porch so we don't step on the little guy. 

Mom said Katie's moving back to college soon, I asked for her room, but mom has no clue what I'm trying to tell her!  Oh well.  I'll hang out there when I want too, I don't think mom or Katie will mind very much.
So, that's the latest from our household. Hope you have a good week.

The weekend is coming soon!

Friday, August 16, 2013

So here's what's up today.  Let me tell you, I am so humiliated!   I'll explain.  Mom had an appointment for the cats to go to the vet for the normal crap these humans think us animals need.  Do the humans go for rabies shots every year and all those other things?? Anyway, I couldn't go up the steps to bed last night  so mom had to carry me upstairs and put me on the bed.  Then this morning I didn't want to get up, my leg just really hurt, so mom picked me up, I screamed, and she almost dropped me.  She said, "That's it, Leonard is going to the vet today!".  I heard her call the vet and ask if they could add me to the cats appointment. She told them if it was a problem, she'd just switch me out with a cat.  "What you do mean?  Switch me out with a cat?"  I'm not a cat!  Anyway the lovely vet's office said they could squeeze me in.  I don't want them to squeeze me, that would hurt!!! 

Anyway, mom piled us in the car and took us to the vet.  She had Frankie in a cat carrier on the front seat and I had to sit right up against Frankie.  You know she's a CAT!  I hate being near them, they just freak me out!  Then Frankie is crying the whole way!  What a freaking baby she is!!  Sam is more grown up about a trip to the vet.  She was in a different carrier in the back seat and honestly I thought she had died or something,  I never heard her once.  Of course, I'm a big boy and I don't cry.  But it is humiliating having to go to the vet's office with cats and then in the office mom says stuff like, "Leonard, do you hear your sister Frankie crying?"  "HELLO MOM, she's a cat, I'm a dog, she is not my sister, she is the family's cat, she may be Sam's sister, but she's NOT my sister".

Finally when the vet comes into the office he checks me out first.  I should have bitten his hand!  He knows my leg hurts and he'll pulling on it and pushing on it.  I finally gave him one of those "If looks could kill" look and he stopped pulling on things.  He told mom that it's definitely my hip.  He said he is hoping it's just sore and I keep aggravating it.   He gave mom some pills to give me.  The vet said to keep me calm and don't let me play and run and be a boy like I like to be!   If it's not better in a week, the vet told mom to bring me back and they'll do x-rays.  What are x-rays?  Well, I'll worry about that next week.  I'm gonna try and listen. I'll try and rest and relax my hip but mom better keep that Penny under control.  Penny is usually the one who wants to play. 

Enough for now!   Have a great weekend!
Your friend,

Saturday, August 10, 2013

 So, Jaybo, Penny and I are hanging out at one of our favorite places.  We like it here cause we can see the driveway to know if someone is coming so we can bark and do all that stuff we do when people come down our driveway! 

I've had a rough week, I don't know what I did, but it hurts like all get out when I try to jump on the sofa or bed. Mom's been great, I just look at her and give her my sad Leonard Eyes and she gently lifts me up.  At least I can go up the steps now,  when I did whatever I did, I couldn't even walk up the steps from outside or to go up the steps to bed.  It was really weird, and I'm not sure what I did, but I'm getting better. It's just the high jumps that don't work for me right now.  I guess that eliminates me from the high jump at the next Olympic games. Oh well, I'll get over it! 

Today was release day for Honey Boo Boo (the mom) and clan #2. Mom said there is no way she's gonna keep Honey Boo Boo and this clan as long as she kept the other clan. She doesn't want clan #3. Mom had thought clan #2 included 4 babies, but when she let them free, there were 5 babies and the mom.  Mom said it was easier to set these free because she hadn't gotten as attached to them.  (How could she get attached to mice?  Oh my!)  Mom took them down to the woods below our house and set them free in a pile of brush.  She said good bye and hopes they will be okay in the real world.  Mom's big thing is she doesn't want Sam to eat them and she doesn't want them inviting themselves back into our house.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Today Mom and Katie left our first set of babies go free.  This is Katie saying "good bye" to one of them.  Mom keeps saying, "I wonder how the babies are doing?".  Oh mom, really they are mice, who cares?  I take that back, Sam (our cat) does care.  Mom and Katie left the mice go at the very bottom of our yard in the woods.  They are hoping if they left them lose down there, they would #1 not come back to our house and #2 Sam wouldn't not catch them.  Mom and Katie refused to let Sam out today to give them a chance. 

Oh well, Mom has a new set of babies to deal with. 

Keep cool folks! 


So the baby mice that, just over a month ago, mom took out of dad's car (under the hood) seem to be all grown up.  Mom and Katie are going to release them into the field - below our house today. Mom's been talking about it all week, "Saturday we are gonna release Honey Boo Boo and the clan"  

Then last night mom goes out for her nightly visit with Honey and the clan (She loves to watch them cause at night they come out and run around and have fun).  Well, mom comes in the house and says "You aren't gonna believe this, but there is a new baby, I mean a pink little mini thing out there"   "WHAT?" Katie and Dad were so surprised and everyone went out to see and sure enough there were more of them.  Mom and everyone couldn't tell for sure how many, but they think at least 4 babies are out there!   The ma ma is the same ma ma.  I know what you are thinking and we were thinking the same thing.   

So, the baby mice, the now grown up baby mice, were put in a different aquarium and Honey Boo Boo and her new clan are in the old aquarium.  The grown up babies are leaving today. Mom says we will keep Honey Boo Boo and the new clan a few weeks, but not a full month, cause we don't want this to happen again!  

That's the story from here.  Just to let you know, I got my bed back, I got it last night before Frankie crawled in it and luckily mom had cleaned on Friday and got rid of most the Frankie hair and I'm hoping her germs too!  

Gotta run!  
your buddy,

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Okay, wait just one dog gone minute here!  That's a cat, that cat named Frankie laying on my bed!  Who the heck does she think she is?  She is right next to MY tennis ball and my stuff toy!    The nerve of THAT cat!  OMG!!  I'm like beside myself over this. I lay in that bed almost every night and now, it has cat germs!  It is probably full of cat hairs too! What is a dog to do?  Oh my!    I think I need to file a complaint.  Where is that box for the complaints?
I hope your day is going better then my day!!
Your friend,


Monday, July 8, 2013

 Our little mice are growing up.  I saw this little guy coming out tonight for an adventure.  He's so cute!   The other guys aren't as adventurous.  They hide more quickly but they are so cute too!   These little guys are still nursing, but at least they don't sleep all day like they did in the beginning. 

Once they are all grown up we will be giving them away, or letting them go free. I may keep one.  Does anyone want a free mouse?    

Mom said we are keeping the cats away from these little guys and she hopes that when she lets them free that our cat Sam doesn't end up bringing on home, or worse yet, part of one home!  

That's gross, I don't even want to think about that!

Oh well, have a good rest of your week people! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My dad's hiking trip!

 This is my dad at the highest point in Nevada.  It's called Boundary Peak.  He said it was a tough climb, but he made it!  

This is a picture of the wild mustangs that dad saw as he was hiking to the highest point of Nevada!

Don't they look mean?  Well, maybe bored!
ha ha! 

Honey Boo Boo's babies!

So here we go.  Mom has given Honey Boo Boo a nice home for her clan.  here are two of the clan, sleeping as usual. They have hair and are getting so cute looking!  Mom will be cusious to see when the clan starts running around the aquarium at night like Honey Boo Boo runs around!  Silly mice!

Here is another picture of the little guys sleeping.   They look sweet and innocent now, but wait until they grow up and climb into someone's car and chew the wires there!   Bad Mice!!

Dad just got home yesterday, he did one of his high point trips.  He climbed to the highest point in Nevada. He actually climbed the mountain on Saturday, June 29th.  Remember that weekend was the hottest weekend in Las Vegas, the temperatures were up to 117*.  Of course it wasn't THAT hot of the highpoint, but dad said it was about 80* at the top. That's pretty hot for the top of a mountain!  Dad saw some wild mustangs along the way on his climb.  It was a tough climb but he made it to the top..  I want to try and upload some pictures from his trip later, but I can't now, the humans need the computer! 
Have a great day!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Do you know what these are?? They are baby mice.  My family is a little crazy, but this is the story.  My dad's car was giving him some problems so he's been driving the other car and his car has been just sitting off the driveway.  It's been sitting there for about 2 weeks, (he has to get it to the garage).  Well, he went to move it to mow the yard.  The car wouldn't start.  Wonder why?  Well yesterday he decided to open the hood to check it out. He saw a mouse sitting on a nest.  Oh my goodness.   The mom ran in the engine.  So he closed the hood and we waited a few hours and then we opened the hood again. We couldn't let them there and we couldn't just throw them in the field. We had a plan. (You can guess where this is going)

When dad opened the hood again, the momma was again sitting on the nest and my mom (who had gloves on) grabbed the mom and the nest and put it in an aquarium.  Mom put the aquarium on the front porch and I saw her get some of the bird food and put it in the aquarium.  She added some dried grass and some water.  The mom mouse was freaking out running around the aquarium.  Mom and everyone left the mice alone.  When my mom checked a few hours later, the momma mouse (who we named Honey Boo Boo) had covered the nest and was hiding under the dried grasses.    So we guess she is again nursing and taking care of her little ones.

The folks at the house are having trouble naming the babies.  Mom's calling the group "Honey Boo Boo and the clan".  But then today mom said something about naming the babies "Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy and Donald", but she's not sure..  I think Mickey and Minnie are cool names for mice, but I'm not sure about the rest of the names.   Everyone has to keep thinking of names, but until then, Honey Boo Boo and the clan seems to be okay.  We haven't seen them, the clan, they seems to be under the grass which I think that is good.  I guess when they get a little older we will see them run around.

Does anyone want a baby mouse or two or three or even four or five plus a momma mouse??

Oh well, another crazy day with my favorite family!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Usually  mom takes Penny when she walks with her friend Angie. Mom decided I could go along this time too.  She decided she's be adventurous and take Penny and me.    Mom's friend, Angie usually take two of her dogs but last night, Angie's kids Mariah and Noah decided to go for a walk too.  So we had a huge crew! 
Please met my new friends, in order as shown in the picture.
Mariah with Nemo, Noah with Max, Angie with Maya, Mom with me and of course my sister Penny. 
We had a great walk, you can imagine how many times Max and I had to stop at poles, bushes and that kid of stuff. We walked about a mile and had a great time!  Maybe next time you want to join us!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

 Sorry it's been awhile since I posted something.  I've been busy.  As you can see, I was very busy chewing the awesome chewies that Katie give me.  Don't you just love chewies?   I do!

My family was busy over the weekend.  We opened the pool.  There was a ton of those darn tadpoles on the pool cover, mom and Katie saved alot of them.  Great, then we'll have a bunch of those crazy toads running around. Oh well, I'll case them.

Mom took Penny for a walk tonight, now she is on the sofa sawing logs.  Mom told me she will take me tomorrow night.  I can't wait.  I am going to sleep alot during the day tomorrow so that I'm all ready for the walk tomorrow night.  It's gonna be hot and it'll take alot of energy to walk in the heat, but I should be ready!

Are you ready for this heat????    If you get too hot come on down and jump in the pool.

See you folks later!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Here we go again..  "Holli get off".. the most used phrase of this year!  Honestly, is this cat that stupid or what??  She is constantly sitting on the bird cage, or the cable box (on the tv) or she is on the desk.  Did this cat learn no manners at the rescue league?  Maybe that is where she learned the bad manners?  Either way, we are all trying to break her of these habits.  One thing we have noticed is the birds are quiet when she sits on their cages, so on second thought, that might be a good place for her to sleep all the time!

The other night we had a thunderstorm and I was so scared.  Thank goodness mom was home and she sat on the sofa and left Penny and me snuggle up with her to protect us. I remember storms from my past and I have always been so scared of them.  I'm glad someone was home to protect us.   

I am glad the weather is getting warmer and the grass green again.  It's so much fun to run in the grass and play ball.  One of my favorite things to do.   

Oh, I hear my mom coming.  I better get off the computer or she'll find out I have this blog!   Have a nice day and weekend, my friends. 

Until I get to the computer again! 


Monday, March 25, 2013

Hello Spring?   My goodness, it was a crazy day.  Dad and Katie went to school and when they left it started to snow.   So by the time mom was ready for work, it was snowing like crazy and starting to cover the yard.  Mom said to herself and us, "Why am I going to work when I'll probably decided to come home? It's not a payroll week, so I don't have payroll to do. I'm gonna call in and stay home and work on my scrapbooks.  I have a some vacation day left."  So that is what she did. It was great, so I just went back under the covers on the big people bed.  I just stayed there nice and warm all day.  As you can see, some visiting squirrel came to eat from the bird feeder.  Mom doesn't yell at him, she says he has to eat too.  She just hopes he saves some food for the birds, after all, it is a bird feeder! 

Oh Holli was glad mom was home, mom played with her. She is such a naughty cat!  Oh my goodness, mom is constantly tell her to get off the bird cage. She seems to think that's her spot to sit!  Bad Cat!!  

Oh, I didn't like the snow today when I had to go out and do my potty duties!  It's so cold!  You laugh!   You try going potty outside like that! 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

This cat, Holli, she is so weird.  Mom was making some Easter Cards and was printing a few things and the cat sits on the printer and watches the papers go in or come out.  I don't know if she thinks there are mice in there working the printer or what?  It's crazy.  Do you know she has turned on the printer?  She turns on the DVD player too, she hasn't learned to put in a new DVD yet.  Oh that cat!

Easter is on it's way, I don't know what this cat is gonna do when the Easter Bunny shows up!  I better cover that bunny's back or he'll be..  don't want to think about it.  I'll just make sure I drink and eat a lot of caffeine things on Saturday so that I can stay up all night to protect that little Easter Bunny.  I wouldn't want it on my watch that the Bunny gets eaten... ... Bad Thoughts..  Bad....  Let's think positive.  I'll protect that little bunny and I'll get Jaybo to cover my back!  We got this covered Easter Bunny, have no fear to stop at our house!   

Oh, today mom re potted the plant that Holli knocked over and broke the other week.  She told Holli to keep her butt off the plant stand!   I hope the cat starts to behave! ! ! 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Oh sure, the cat looks all sweet and innocent now. She doesn't have a care in the world and just grabs Dad's chair and a pillow and sleeps.  A few hours ago she was in deep trouble with mom. Do you know what that devil cat they call Holli did?  She jumped up on the stand where mom has the only live plant she has in the house and the cat knocked it over.  She broke the plant's pot and there was dirt all over the living room floor. Mom said she just filled the pot with extra dirt on Friday and now that was all over the living room floor.  Mom wasn't very happy and Holli was sort of hiding especially when mom got the vacuum cleaner out and clean up!   Of course an hour later the cat is sleeping like she has no care in the world.  BAD CAT!   Now you know why I don't like cats, they are just TROUBLE!  

Mom said the weather man is talking about snow again.  I don't like snow, it's so cold on my belly when I have to go outside to do my potty duties.  I hope it doesn't snow! Mom says the weather man is usually wrong, but we'll see.

Have a great day folks!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Today it's not sunny, but a few days ago it was.  My friend Penny and the one cat Frankie and I love to hang out on the window seat with the sun beating down on us.  That's what I call a great morning nap! 

The other week, the dogs and I were devastated.  We had to go to the vet and we were forced to stay there a week!  I didn't like it at all, it reminded me of being back at the rescue league.  But mom promised that they would come back and pick us up in a week and she even cried, so I believed her.  The humans did come back and picked us up on Friday night.  They talked about foreign places they had been.  I heard them say Savannah and Charleston.  I'm not sure what foreign county Savannah and Charleston are in but I don't care. I just care that they came back and we are all home safe and sound together even with those crazy cats.  That new cat they call Holli, oh my goodness she is naughty, I know her name is Holli cause mom and Katie keep saying, "Holli, get off the counter, Holli get off the bird cage, Holli get off the TV, Holli, Holli, Holli".  Oh my goodness, even Frankie admitted to me in confidence that Holli is a bad one of their kind.  Frankie said maybe when Holli grows ups she won't be as naughty.   I sure hope so!    For mom and Katie's sake! 

Here is a picture I found that mom had laying around.  I think the foreign city is Savannah.  Mom, Dad and Katie seemed to like Savannah, they talked about it a lot! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Okay. so we got this new cat, Holli.  She's been here 2 month already.  She is making  herself at home that's for sure.  In mom's wash basket and worst of all on top of the bird cage! I do chase her sometimes, but I chase all the cats so I'm not really picking on the new cat.  She does seems to be blending in.  Frankie and her seem to be friends, but Sam doesn't like her.  That's not unusual, Sam doesn't like Frankie either.  Sam is Sam.  

Oh well, sorry it's been so long since I posted something I was keeping a close eye this new cat.  She does get into alot of trouble.  She is behind the tv, or on the bird cage or on the counter.  She was locked in the closet for a night on Christmas Eve, that was bad. I'm glad mom found her after a few hours stuck in there.  

I'll try and not make my posts so long in between!  Enjoy the weather, I hope it doesn't snow too much, I'm not thrilled with having my "Private Parts" frozen when I have to go out to go pottie!