Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Honey Boo Boo's babies!

So here we go.  Mom has given Honey Boo Boo a nice home for her clan.  here are two of the clan, sleeping as usual. They have hair and are getting so cute looking!  Mom will be cusious to see when the clan starts running around the aquarium at night like Honey Boo Boo runs around!  Silly mice!

Here is another picture of the little guys sleeping.   They look sweet and innocent now, but wait until they grow up and climb into someone's car and chew the wires there!   Bad Mice!!

Dad just got home yesterday, he did one of his high point trips.  He climbed to the highest point in Nevada. He actually climbed the mountain on Saturday, June 29th.  Remember that weekend was the hottest weekend in Las Vegas, the temperatures were up to 117*.  Of course it wasn't THAT hot of the highpoint, but dad said it was about 80* at the top. That's pretty hot for the top of a mountain!  Dad saw some wild mustangs along the way on his climb.  It was a tough climb but he made it to the top..  I want to try and upload some pictures from his trip later, but I can't now, the humans need the computer! 
Have a great day!

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