Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Here's that cat thing that  Katie and Cody brought home one day a few weeks ago.  They are calling the cat "Perkins".  So meet the new disaster in my life, Mr Perkins.  Another cat in this house is totally unfair to us dogs.  Penny and I were trying to talk Jaybo into doing some kind of formal protest, but you know Jaybo, she's the sweetest dog and refuses to join our protest. She even seems to like this cat.  Can you believe that?  Without Jaybo's support, us little dogs can't do much of anything but put up with this new cat, along with the other cats, Holli, Frankie and Sam.  There is never a dull moment in this house!

Well anyway, here is the new cat Perkins! 

Oh my goodness, I didn't know I would be living with Leonard!   I think I want to go back to Penn State where I was found!!  Help!!  Take me back!  (says Perkins as he makes his down the steps of the house!)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The other night we had a really bad thunderstorm.  Penny was a mess, I was trying to sleep and Penny was shaking and she kept jumping off the bed and running into the closet.  Mom kept getting up to try and make her feel safe.  Me, I just kept sleeping with dad. 

I guess that's why Penny slept so well last night.  I have to admit, she looks cute sleeping here between mom and dad's pillow and under the cover. 

Me, I sleep completely under the covers.

Well, that's all for now!



Monday, July 13, 2015

OMG.. Look at that stupid cat, is taking up half the bed.  Look at her, all spread out like a crazed lunatic.  Doesn't she know that I could call my friend, Jaybo (the big dog) and Jay could crush her with one jump on the bed.  "Mom, can you move the cat so I can go to bed in peace please?"

"Oh, Hi Dad!  Yes, I feel better if you keep your hand on the cat and I can rest up here near you.  I feel safe with you close to me.  I hope I don't have gas."  LOL  

Monday, July 6, 2015

This is what I do when it's one of those boring days.  Penny and I hang out with our favorite girl.  I prefer a pillow for my head.  Penny, always has to get more attention, she has to lay on the person.  She can be such a brat!   Oh well,  as long as she leaves me sleep, I can live with it!  Hope you all have a great week.  I have alot of plans, most of them include this sofa!  LOL


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

OMG!! "MOM!!!"  "Katie brought a cat in the house!  You can't be serious that we are keeping this little thing?" says Leonard. 

"Leonard dear" says mom, "Katie found him outside the one building at college.  He was scared and starved.  What could we do but take him in?  We have to give him a home with food and love.  I'm not asking you to love the new cat, (which Katie named "Perkins"  after the building out of where he was found) just tolerate him like you do the other cats!  Besides, Katie promises when she gets her own place she'll take him along!  I'm sure by then you'll be best friends and won't want to see him leave."    

"You are a good boy Leonard!, thanks for tolerating another cat in the house" says mom.