Wednesday, July 1, 2015

OMG!! "MOM!!!"  "Katie brought a cat in the house!  You can't be serious that we are keeping this little thing?" says Leonard. 

"Leonard dear" says mom, "Katie found him outside the one building at college.  He was scared and starved.  What could we do but take him in?  We have to give him a home with food and love.  I'm not asking you to love the new cat, (which Katie named "Perkins"  after the building out of where he was found) just tolerate him like you do the other cats!  Besides, Katie promises when she gets her own place she'll take him along!  I'm sure by then you'll be best friends and won't want to see him leave."    

"You are a good boy Leonard!, thanks for tolerating another cat in the house" says mom.

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